Wing War Countless ages before humans walked the earth, great flying dragons fought to survive. The uncharted world was filled with their natural enemies. But the dragons had to go on danger-filled adventures, driven by irresistible, primal need. Outside the safety of their underground den were the crystal elements of Fire, Air, and Water, sources of power and longer life. All these crystals gathered together created Super crystals, with enough power to win the ultimate prize: the Diamond Treasure! GAME OBJECTIVE * Hunt and destroy natural enemies to score points and create valuable crystals. * Gather Fire, Air and Water Crystals to gain more power and defensive strength. Be sure to keep Fire and Water Crystals apart! * Create Super crystals by gathering all 3 elements, then make a daring raid through the secret passage to capture a sparkling diamond! * Find and bring back Dragon eggs to win extra lives. CONTROLS TO FLY: * Press right side button to flap the Dragon's wings and gain altitude (each time you press a button the wings flap once). * The dragon descends when you don't flap its wings. * Move wheel DOWN to descend faster. * Move wheel left or right to set the Dragon's direction. TO THROW FIREBALLS: Press left side button. TO PICK UP CRYSTALS AND EGGS: Move wheel UP while the Dragon's feet touch a Crystal or an Egg. TO DROP OFF CRYSTALS AND EGGS: The Dragon releases them automatically when it reaches the Den. GAME PLAY * Fly your Dragon to the outside world to get Eggs and Crystals. * Flap its wings and find your way out of the Den. * On its quest, the Dragon meets many kinds of enemies... * Destroy them with fireballs to score points. * Most enemies turn into crystals when they're destroyed. * When all fireballs are gone. the Dragon has no way to destroy enemies. * Every contact with an enemy makes the Dragon lose some strength. * When all the Dragon's strength is gone, the next enemy contact kills the Dragon. * Each newly-born Dragon has at least 10 fireballs and enough strength to survive 10 contacts with its enemies. THE DRAGON'S ENEMIES FIREBALLS TURNS SCORE TO KILL INTO.. POINTS SPIDER 1 Nothing 75 BAT 1 Air crystal 75 BIRD 1 Air crystal 75 BEE SWARM 1 Air crystal 75 STALACTITE Can't be killed: get out of the way! GRIFFIN 1 Water crystal 100 ROPER 2 or more Fire crystal 100 BEEHIVE 2 or more Fire crystal 100 FIRE DEMON 2 or more Fire crystal 200 DRAGONFLY 2 or more Water crystal 200 HYDRA 2 or more Water crystal 200 ROCK DEMON 6 Nothing 500 It takes more fireballs to destroy these enemies as the game continues. CRYSTALS: THE VITAL ELEMENTS * During your Dragon's adventures, you'll find three kinds of crystals. Pick them up and bring them back to the Den, and the Dragon becomes stronger. * To pick up a crystal, make the Dragon touch it and press UP on the wheel. * If any enemy touches the Dragon while it's carrying a crystal, the crystal will fall. * If the Dragon reaches the top of the sky or flies into anything, the crystal will fall. * To create a Super crystal, bring a Fire, Air and Water crystal back to the Den. * IMPORTANT: If Fire and Water are brought to the Den, they'll destroy each other, unless you keep them apart with an Air crystal. Get crystals in either of these sequences: * Fire...Air...Water, OR * Water...Air...Fire FIRE: These burning embers come mostly from the volcano. They're also created when the Dragon destroys Ropers, Beehives or Fire Demons. * When Fire crystals first erupt from the volcano, they are yellow, and too hot to touch. If you touch a yellow Fire crystal, your Dragon loses a life! Wait until Fire crystals turn red. * Fire crystals brought back to the Den give the Dragon more fireballs (up to 99). AIR: These crystals are nearly transparent, and float down through the sky. They are also created when the Dragon destroys Bats, Birds, * You must have either a Fire or Water crystal in the Den to store an Air crystal. * Air crystals must be caught in the air. Like bubbles, they disappear when they hit the ground. WATER: These blue crystals are found near the lakes. They are also created when the Dragon destroys a Griffin, Dragonfly or Hydra. * Water crystals brought back to the Den give the Dragon more strength, letting it survive up to 99 contacts with enemies. * SUPER CRYSTALS: These multi-colored crystals are created when the Dragon brings home a Fire, Air and Water crystal. * Super crystals increase the range of fireballs, giving the Dragon greater power against its enemies. * THE DIAMOND CRYSTAL: Find the secret passageway to the treasure cavern, where there is at least one extremely valuable Diamond Crystal. * To reach the treasure cavern, the Dragon must get past the Rock Demon by destroying it--on the way in and on the way out. * The Rock Demon throws long-range fireballs, and the best way to give your Dragon an equal chance is to first capture a Super Crystal. * It takes 6 hits with the Dragon's fireballs to kill the Rock Demon. * When the Dragon brings the Diamond home, you score 5,000 points! * NOTE: There is always one Diamond to be found in the treasure cavern. There might be others. The only way to find out is to make additional raids! * SCORES FOR CRYSTALS BROUGHT TO THE DEN: Air............50 points Water..........50 points Fire..........100 points Super.......1,000 points Diamond.....5,000 points DRAGON EGGS * Even if your Dragon captures lots of crystals and becomes very powerful, sometimes its natural enemies will bring it to a sad end. The poor creature will turn black and flop over upside down. * When the Dragon dies, another is born, as long as there is an egg back in the Den. * The game starts with one live Dragon and two eggs. * To give your Dragon extra lives, find and retrieve more eggs. * Dragon eggs are found above ground, flying through the air on little wings. * Make your Dragon grip an egg the same way as a crystal. Then fly with it back to the Den. * As with crystals, the Dragon loses its grip on an egg whenever the creature touches the top of the sky, any part of the earth, or a natural enemy. * Fortunately, eggs bounce and don't break if they're dropped. The Dragon can pick them up again and continue flying back home to the Den. * The more eggs you bring home, the more Dragon generations there will be (up to 5).